UCSB/University of Toronto Human and Computer Vision Workshop

Date Start
Date End
January 17, 2025
Henley Hall, Room 1010
The Mind and Machine Intelligence and the University of Toronto bring together a series of talks on the recent advances in human and computer vision

Sven Dickinson, University of Toronto, Computer Science
Miguel Eckstein, UCSB, Psychological and Brain Sciences
William Wang, UCSB, Computer Science

The workshop brings together the latest findings by researchers studying human and computer vision.  The lectures will cover the role of symmetry, texture discrimination and segmentation, shape, 3D representations, scene understanding, AI generative models, and augmented reality.

Keynote Speaker:
Bill Geisler, University of Texas, Psychology


Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong, Samsung AI Research Center, Toronto
Dirk Bernhardt-Walther, University of Toronto, Psychology
Sven Dickinson, University of Toronto, Computer Science

Miguel Eckstein, UCSB, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Tobias Hollerer, UCSB, Computer Science

Radha Kumaran, UCSB, Computer Science

B.S. Manjunath, UCSB, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Zygmunt Pizlo, UC Irvine, Cognitive Science

James Preiss, UCSB, Computer Science

Pradeep Sen, UCSB, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Kaleem Siddiqi, McGill University, Computer Science

Matthias Tangemann, Univ. of Tubingen, Computational Neuro & ML

William Wang, UCSB, Computer Science

Workshop Program:
(All talks are in Henley Hall, Room 1010)

Wednesday, January 15:

08:50-09:00: Welcome and Introduction (Sven & Miguel)

09:00-09:45: Sven Dickinson, “The Role of Symmetry in Human and Computer Vision”

09:45-10:30: Zygmunt Pizlo, “A guide through symmetry: math, physics, perception”

10:30-10:45: Coffee Break

10:45-11:30: Radha Kumaran, “Augmented Search: Insights from Three Mobile Augmented Reality Studies"

11:30-13:00: Lunch

13:00-13:45: James Preiss, “Visual Foundation Models in Robotics”

13:45-14:30: Pradeep Sen, "Directable ML Generative Models"

14:30-15:00: Coffee 

15:00-18:00: Collaborative discussion (1002 Henley Hall, led by Sven) 


Thursday, January 16:

09:00-10:15: Bill Geisler, Keynote, “Discrimination and Segmentation of Natural Texture”

10:15-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-11:30: Dirk Bernhardt-Walther, “Shape cues for understanding complex scenes across cognitive tasks”

11:30-13:00: Lunch

13:00-13:45: Tobias Hollerer, “"Bridging Realities: Searching and Selecting Virtual and Physical Targets in Augmented Reality"

13:45-14:30: Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong, “Views and Shape: Exploring 3D Representations in Computer Vision”

14:30-15:00: student posters/coffee

15:00-18:00: Collaborative discussion (1002 Henley Hall, led by Dirk) 

18:30-21:00: Invited speaker dinner (Jane Restaurant, 1311 State St, Santa Barbara)


Friday, January 17:

09:00-09:45: William Wang, “Evaluating evaluations in Generative AI”

09:45-10:30: Kaleem Siddiqi, “Symmetry and Asymmetry in the Heart”

10:30-10:45: Coffee break

10:45-11:30: Miguel Eckstein, "Scene Understanding in Multi-Modal Large Language Models and Humans" UCSB

11:30-13:00: Lunch

13:00-13:45: Matthias Tangemann, “Towards an integrative model of human visual perception”

13:45-14:30: BS Manjunath, TBA

14:30-15:00: Coffee break

15:00-18:00: Collaborative discussion (1002 Henley Hall, led by Zyg/Kaleem) 


Saturday, January 18:

09:00-12:00: Collaborative discussion (Sven, Zyg, Dirk, Kaleem, Matthias, Tristan)